
Gift for winemaker

Top 10 Winemaker Gifts Under $100.00

It’s gift giving season and we know sometimes it can be hard to find the perfect gift. Below is a list of our suggested gifts for your favorite winemakers!


For $65.00 the Portuguese Corker is a great gift for any winemaker! If you’re just starting out or you just need more people corking on the bottling line, the Portuguese corker is a great value.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Corker-Floor-Portuguese/

Glass Carboy

No matter the style of winemaking every winemaker needs a glass carboy. Carboys are used for fermentation, aging, and storage. Only $38.00 and you’ve got your winemaker a gift that will keep on giving.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Carboy-Glass-6-gal/


Used in the “Classico” method of winemaking. These not only are used for fermentation, storage, and aging, but they make a great display piece! Some even come with a spigot where you can draw a glass of wine out of. These range from $28.50 and up depending on the size. A great gift for any old world winemaker.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/categories/Containers/Demijohns


Every winemaker needs bottles to display their masterpiece. Give the gift of bottles to a winemaker, and you never know, you might get something delicious in return.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/categories/Bottles_and_Jugs/Bottles

Bottler Tree

For anyone who has ever bottled wine you know it can be a long day. The bottle tree helps speed up the process and organizes the bottles before they are filled. The tree holds 81 bottles for only $38.50.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Bottle-Tree/

Bottle Rinser

This popular $20.00 item never goes out of style. This saves time and the winemaker’s sanity on bottling day.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Washer-Bottle-Avvinatore-Bottle-Rinser/

Rack & Fill Kit

A steal at $10.00, this Trew Brew Rack and Fill makes winemaker’s lives a lot easier when transfer wine from one container to the other.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Siphon-Trew-Brew-Rack-and-Fill-Kit/

Must Scoop

Ever had to shovel must? If you’ve helped your winemaker press you know how much must needs to get transferred into that press. This simple and affordable must scoop helps press day go a little faster for only $10.00.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Scoop-Must-Plastic/

Stainless Steel Oak Flavoring Tube

An oak flavoring tube saves your winemaker time, money, and the stress of working with an oak barrel. Yet, they are still able to impart the oak flavor they desire. Each oak flavoring tube can be filled with oak chips to impart oak flavor with easy clean up.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Oak-Flavoring-Tube-56-Gal/

All Juice Kit

The perfect winemaking kit! Experienced winemakers looking to compliment their skills will become instantly rewarded with the introduction of fresh grape must. With over 25 varieties sourced from all over the world, the Original AllJuice will instantly become a part of your cellar for only $99.99/pail.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/categories/Winemaking_Kits/Mosti_Mondiale/Original_All_Juice

BONUS Gift Idea!

Gift Certificate

Purchase a Musto Wine Grape Gift Certificate for any desired amount. We are sure your winemakers will put it toward their most desired items in the Spring and Fall winemaking seasons.

Link to product: http://www.juicegrape.com/Gift-Certificate-25-50-100/

Questions? Still don’t know what to get your winemaker? Give us a call at 877-812-1137 or email sales@juicegrape.com to discuss the perfect gift for your winemaker.