
ph probe care

pH probes: Basic care and storage

When it comes to setting up your home wine lab, there is a lot to learn. You’ll discover that the proper care of something as basic and simple seeming as your pH probe will make a world of difference when it comes to producing reliable, repeatable numbers. Even if you don’t have access to any other means of wine testing at home, having a pH meter is a necessity.


  • Store your pH probe in the proper storage solution
  • Calibrate your meter – and use fresh calibration solution each time
  • Rinse the electrode before and after use. You may see salt deposits form – this is OK, just rinse them off too.
  • Be gentle at all times

Do not

  • Store your pH probe in distilled water. 
  • Mix any of your buffer solutions with one another. This may seem obvious but it’s easy to get a drop of one into the other if you’re not paying attention.
  • Hit the pH probe against anything. This is especially important if using a stir plate and magnetic stir bar – don’t let it hit it!
  • Pour buffer back into the bottle after use


Kimtech wipes are delicate tissues that reliably clean up liquid and small particulate from sensitive lab equipment such as pH probes. They’re a great addition to any home lab.

A probe can look clean but be contaminated with various coatings – this is why consistent cleaning and proper storage is very important for continued accurate readings.

You will need to replace your probe over time regardless of how well you take care of it, but the more carefully you clean and store it, the longer it will last.