
winemaking faults

Cellar Upgrades: Noblesse

Here is a great product you can use to help fix your wine..

Ever have a wine that’s high in alcohol?

That has a sharp tinge to the mouthfeel?

Then Noblesse is something you want to have in your cellar.

Noblesse is a natural nutrient that is used to help soften wines. Sometimes our grapes are high in brix an we can’t help but have a high alcohol wine. A by product of this is have a “burn” or “hot” sensation at the end of the palate. Or our wines are tasting a little too “sharp” for our liking.

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Adding a dose of Noblesse will help soften your wine’s mouthfeel giving the perception of a rounder, silky mouthfeel, while reducing any sulfur smells and any burning sensation from high alcohol wines. Noblesse also helps aid in malolactic fermentation, so you can use this even if your wine is still going through malo.

We hope you consider adding Noblesse to you winemaker’s toolbox!

Hope to see you soon!

www.juicegrape.com – 877.812.1137 – sales@juicegrape.com

How to Avoid Winemaking Faults & Flaws Class – Saturday February 8th, 2020

Have you ever had a funky smelling wine?

Not sure what caused that smell?

Come to Musto Wine Grape’s Faults & Flaws class and learn how to counteract and avoid those funky smells in your wines.

It’s only $5.99 to attend this class! (a major steal) Click HERE to secure your seat in class. Seating will be limited to 25 people.

Faults & Flaws Class will be held at our store in Hartford, CT (101 Reserve Rd, Hartford, CT 06114) on Saturday February 8th at 10:00AM.

Please email cmusto@juicegrape.com if you have any questions.

Hope to see you there!