
Monthly Archives: August 2021

Wine Spotlight: Merlot 🍇🍷

merlot on barrel

One of the world’s most popular red wine making grapes. Merlot has an incredibly jammy fruit profile with cooked fruit, blackberry, and leather notes. A medium tannin and lower acid content make this a very smooth drinking wine. Excellent when aged with oak and also an excellent blender with most red grape varieties.

Our Merlot wine grapes and winemaking juices should start arriving from Central Valley around September 10th.

Have you placed your order yet? Email sales@juicegrape.com for more information.

Don’t Live in CT? Pick up your Winemaking Grapes and Juices in Bronx, NY!

Don’t Live in CT? Pick up your Winemaking Grapes and Juices in the Bronx!

Musto Wine Grape Co. LLC and D’Arrigo New York have partnered to help you make wine. We are both family businesses with a collective passion for wine and winemaking, we believe that everyone interested in crafting their own wine should have access to. We offer the best grapes, juices, equipment, supplies, and knowledge available; and serve all areas of the market for your winemaking needs.

For any questions or inquiries please call 877-812-1137 x8443 or email cmusto@juicegrape.com (CT Office) or winegrape@darrigony.com (NY Office).


king's riverg_14_albarino

(Pictured above Albarino from King’s River Ranch at 20.5 Brix)

Albarino, French Colombard, Muscat, Fiano, Sauvignon Blanc, and Vermentino will be some of the first white wine grapes coming off the vine very soon. Coming in at Brix 22.5 – 24.0, they should be harvested around August 30th and in Hartford, CT by September 7th.

This season’s wine harvest is fast approaching. Download our Harvest Menu to check out what we will be offering this season. Please email sales@juicegrape.com or call 877-812-1137 to order.