

Top 7 Winemaker Resolutions

It’s that time again! Where you start to reflect on the past year, look forward to a fresh start, and set forth some new year’s resolutions. But resolutions don’t just apply to weight loss and self improvement, they can also apply to winemaking. According to the Merriam-Webbster Dictoinary a resolution is defined as “to make a definite and serious decision to do something“. So what do we want to decide and do, when it comes to our winemaking? What can we do to elevate our winemaking? Or better yet, make the type of wine we love drink to and share.

We’ve come up with a few resolutions for the winemaking year ahead. Many of them come from our own mistakes during the winemaking process, tips and tricks we’ve learned along the way, and some of it is super fun.

7 Suggested Resolutions for Winemakers in 2022

Be more detailed when recording winemaking notes.

You know how it is. You’re exhausted from crush day. You’re covered in must, sticky, maybe a little tipsy from enjoynig last year’s wine while crushing (we all do it, and love it ;)), and the last thing you want to do is record your starting must numbers. No matter which way you slice it, detailed winemaking records aid us in creating wines without flaws, keep us on track, and help us create our favortie wines. Need help with record keeping? Email cmusto@juicegrape.com for an example.

Have that blending party.

Wine blending can be meticulous for some, but really, it’s a great excuse to get togther and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Blending wines is one of the best ways to tweak your wine to make it even more delcious than the year before. There’s a great free video you can watch on WinemakingInstructions.com for inspiration as to how to throw a wine blending party.

Visit the grapes….FINALLY

That’s right I said it, it’s time to go see the grapes. If you haven’t been out to visit Lanza-Musto Vineyards it’s time. It’s finally safe to travel again and Suisun Valley is right next to Napa. So it’s part research, part vacation, or maybe it’s just all vacation. Either way you’re in California, enjoying wine country. Who wouldn’t want to do that? If you’re interested in visiting Lanza-Musto Vineyards email cmusto@juicegrape.com to learn how you can set up your vineyard visit. Musto Wine Grape is very transparent about who we source from and are happy to introduce you to our growers.

Read that wine book

Who doesn’t have a wine book laying around that they have been meaning to read? I know I have at least three. My list includes Daniel Pambianchi’s newest book – Modern Home Winemaking, The Academie Du Vin Wine Cellar Book by Steven Spurrier, and I Taste Red by Jamie Goode. A second part to this resolution is to take notes on each book. Kind of like a book report you did back in school. Nerdy I know, but it helps me retain the information better. Plus I have a feeling I’ll be refering back to all of these texts. Which books are on your list? Suggestions are welcomed, feel free to email me -cmusto@juicegrape.com.

Visit more local wineries, breweries, distilleries, and cideries

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Many wineries were inspired by distilleries and the flavor profiles they produced with thier bourbons, igniting the bourbon barrel aged wine trend. And who doesn’t like supporting local? Plus getting to know your local fermentors can help if you ever have questions or need help with your fermentations. Plus it’s always a ton of fun. So get tasting!

Clean that wine room

You knew I was going to bring this up. Clean, sanitize, repeat. It is one of the best ways to ensure your wine turns out the way you want it. Cleanliness is key and my cellar needs some sprucing. How about yours? Here is a great blog post with best practices.

Plan out your winemaking year

Perfect the process. Every year harvest sneaks up on us, yet we know when it will happen every year. Put a reminder in your phone and on your calendar for the start of the Spring and Fall seasons. South African grapes/juices usually arrive around late March, Chileans late April / early May, California starts in early September, and Washington State starts in October. Think about what you want to make (new varieties to try?), your fermentation protocols (any new yeasts you want to try?), your fermentation and aging vessels (should I spring for the stainless?), and how much wine you need to get bottled before they all arrive. Plus if you plan ahead you’ll have more time for blending parties, bottling parties, and good old fashioned friend get togethers where you share your wine.

We hope you enjoyed some of our resoultion tips and look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Cheers to 2022 Winemakers!

Our Winemaking Resolutions for 2015 – What Are Yours?

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Happy New Year Winemakers!

What Winemaking Resolutions do you have for the New Year?
Below are some of our staff’s winemaking resolutions for 2015.
Maybe you guys can help hold us to them? 😉


          • To improve my personal winemaking skills and winemaking knowledge
          • To continue to grow my friendships and business relationships within the wine industr
          • To visit more wineries and winemaking groups


          • My resolution is to continue to find ways to enjoy winemaking and the business we are in.  Whether it is helping someone just starting out in making wine or someone starting a winery.  The passion we bring to this business is not something that can be imitated.


          • I would like to start trying more locally made wines
          • I too need to stop procrastinating on racking, etc…
          • I would like to work on expanding my pallet!  (sometimes I think it’s broken lol)


Frankie K: I have a couple!

          • I would like to drink more wine!  (I really mean that, I often choose beer when wine is available and would like to stop doing that.  Beer has a ton of calories!)
          • I would like to procrastinate less in my wine racking and other exercises.  I often find myself putting those things off because I am too busy, and the wine ends up suffering as a result.
          • And I would also like to drink more wine!



          • To try more wines from the East Coast as well as wines from other countries
          • To research new blends to try next vintage
          • To make a sparkling wine for the first time
          • To make Grapa for the first time



        • I would like increase my knowledge as it pertains to Malolactic Bacteria. When has my wine completely gone thru malo? When is the proper time to add sulfites?
        • I would like to take classes in becoming a Certified Wine Competition Judge


        • Visit more local wineries
        •  Improve my winemaking lab skills
        •  Learn more about wine and food pairings; what kind of wine does go with a big mac?