

Veraison in the vineyard and how it affects winemaking

Currently our grapes are going through veraison in California. Veraison occurs when the berry transitions into the ripening stage. From now forward the berry will increase in sugar concentration until it is harvested at the desired brix level. Grapes for sparkling wine or champagne are harvested around 17 brix and grapes for still wine are harvested around 25 brix. The brix level will determine the alcohol level in the wine. For example, a grape picked around 25 brix should create a 12.5% alch by volume wine.

Harvest will be here before we know it! It’s to time start getting organized. Click HERE to see our upcoming events and classes that will help you get ready for harvest.

Grapes going through verasion at our vineyards in California

Making Wine from King’s River Ranch Grapes

The King’s River Vineyard is located in Sanger, CA – Southeast of Fresno, on the way to Squaw Valley, Tahoe and the Sierra Foothills.
The vineyard is made up of 40 acres of white ash & sandy loam soil. The vineyard has been in existence since 1954 and the family has grown everything from grapes for wine and raisins to peaches, plums, and apricots on this little piece of paradise. However, they ultimately decided to focus on what they love most – boutique style wines. Each block is meticulously managed. They thin leaves, drop fruit to secure intense flavors, and drip irrigate as to not over-water the vines. This family definitely produces grapes of distinction.


Grape Varieties Available for Purchase:

Cabernet Sauvignon (Clone 337)
Petite Sirah
Cabernet Franc
Chenin Blanc

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Falling for Pinot Noir…All Over Again!

Falling for Pinot Noir…All Over Again!

By Guest Blogger: Ertan Seyyar Sener 

            Well, it’s been seven years since Pinot Noir took to the big screen and Americans began their love affair with this very attractive, although elusive grape variety.  The honeymoon has been over for a while now, so it is time we renew our vows with a wine that deserves our undivided attention. As the leaves start to turn, and there begins to be a slight chill in the air, I find the color of wine in my glass to change from white to pink to a beautiful translucent red, Pinot Noir.  I feel there is no better time of year than Autumn to enjoy this light, but luscious red wine.  A wine that begs to paired with all the fabulous flavors of Fall.  Let’s take a little closer look at the personality of Pinot and try to predict that perfect pairing with my favorite fall fare.

            I’m gonna say it, sorry…terroir.  Probably one of the most debated terms in oenology, but I believe it to be very true.  What is it?  Well, it’s the idea a wine, a grape can reflect flavors and even characteristics of the place, the soil that it has been growing, for what could be a very long time.  For instance, if the soil is mostly limestone, you might find the wine to have a certain minerality and precision, but as one author put it, “when was the last time you licked limestone?”  Sure, this can’t be a totally literal idea, but I find Pinot Noir to be a certain conduit that can connect a person with the place.  This can’t be just any place, for Pinot Noir is very particular to where it grows up.  Try to grow it in too hot of a place and it will ripen too early and never achieve the levels and layers of flavor that its’ thin skin can create.  Of all the places on Earth, is the Burgundy region in France, where if all the conditions are right, Pinot Noir can reflect all the slight nuances of terroir.  The only other places that have had any success in producing our fickle friend are New Zealand, Oregon, and the cool corners of California and Chile.  So, what is so great about this grape that people find it worthy of emulating around the world?

            Pinot Noir has a duality that is pleasing to both white wine as well as red wine drinkers.  The grape has thin skins with usually light, silky smooth tannins.  Tannis are that drying feeling you get on the side of your tongue, not a bad thing, but could exhaust your palate, and we haven’t even got to the food, so we don’t need an exhausted palate!  The profile of Pinot Noir is a usual suspect of pleasantries; red berries, red cherry, bright and light, and with the more mature Pinots hints of leather and tobacco.  Put a little chill on the wine and it is a “cooler” version with a very bright and refreshing quality.  The greatest thing about Pinot Noir is that it can cross the spectrum of food pairings and meet the needs for red as well as white wine dishes!  Oh well, I can’t take it anymore!  Let’s get to the food!

            Autumn has a cornucopia of flavors, fruits and spices that beg to be paired with Pinot Noir.  As well as, a beautiful list of lighter meats that can be braised, smoked or roasted from pork to duck to turkey, Oh my!  The wine calls for earthy flavors such as: truffles, wild mushrooms, coriander.  Pinot Noir is very happy next to fruit flavors such as figs, blackberry, and pomegranates.  Duck breast and duck leg confit is one of my favorite pairings for Pinot Noir.  A wonderful balance of earthy flavors, as well as succulent flavors, that react wonderfully with the fruit and acidity to Pinot Noir.  Depending on the producer and vintage, Pinot Noir can have layers and layers of flavor that can be enjoyed on their own or paired up with some of these classic fall eats.

            Please enjoy Pinot Noir this Fall season from any and all the places that hold this grape variety sacred in the process of production.  Making this wine is a testament to the appreciation of soil, wine and tradition.  So, before the weather makes it necessary for a sweater and some flames in the fireplace, remember to pull out that bottle of Pinot Noir and let it dance with every thing Fall.  To leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Windows on the World Complete Wine Course by Kevin Zraly: “One Author trying to sum up the difference between Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon, said, ‘Pinot is James Joyce, while Cabernet is Dickens.  Both sell well, but one is easier to understand.’”  The only thing to understand here is the marriage of Fall flavors and Pinot Noir is an unbreakable one, one to stand the test of time.  Cheers!


About the Blogger: Ertan Seyyar Sener has been working in the world of wine for over ten years, in restaurants, retail as well as wine education.  He has been recognized in Wine Spectator as well as in Ronn Wiegand’s Sommelier Guide to Restaurants in America 5th Edition.  Ertan is the Buyer/Manager at West Side Wines and Spirits.

West Side Wine and Spirits

10 Raymond Road

West Hartford CT 06107

860.233.1241 w

860.233.1243 f




Wooden Valley Winery WINS at the SF Chronicle Wine Judging Competition

Check out Wooden Valley Winery’s (aka Lanza-Musto Vineyards) WINS at the 2018 SF Chronicle Wine Judging Competition. Over 7000 wines were entered from 36 states in this wine competition. Congratulations to the Lanza Family and the Wooden Valley Crew on your much deserved awards!

musto wine grape_lanza musto vineyards_petite sirah_suisun valley_musto crush crew

2016 Wooden Valley Barbera Suisun Valley – Gold
2015 Lanza Family Cabernet Sauvignon – Gold
2017 Wooden Valley Chardonnay – Silver
2016 Wooden Valley Malbec – Gold
2016 Wooden Valley Merlot – Bronze
2015 Lanza Family Petite Sirah – Bronze
2016 Wooden Valley Sangiovese – Double Gold
2017 Wooden Valley Sauvignon Blanc – Silver
2015 Wooden Valley Zinfandel – Silver

JBF Foundation Wine Auction

Hello Winemakers,

Thursday May 31st there is a great event going on with great prizes! You can win a Wine Class for 20 people at Total Wine & More, a Complete Winemaking Kit, and More! The silent auction will be benefiting the Jeff Braun Foundation which focuses on helping build orphanages in Honduras. For full information about the Jeff Braun Benefit please see below. Should be a great event!

JBF Event Information

Raffle Info for JFB

Jeff Braun Foundation – Partnership with Hope Children’s Home – Honduras

Jeff Braun Foundation

Making Consistently Flawless Wine Seminar with Daniel Pambianchi

daniel pambianchi_musto wine grape techniques in homewinemaking

In this seminar, you will learn the intricate interplay and management of oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and polyphenols, and clarification and stabilization techniques towards making greater wines more consistently and flawlessly. The seminar will also demonstrate how to measure and control oxygen and sulfur dioxide in wine.

This seminar is intended for intermediate and advanced amateur and small-winery winemakers. Click the “HERE”  to download the complete program, including specific seminar content.

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to attend Daniel Pambianchi’s seminar on advanced winemaking on September 8, 2018, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, at Musto Wine Grape Company in Hartford, CT. Lunch and coffee are provided. Please alert Christina of any food allergies at cmusto@juicegrape.com.

 Sign up for the seminar via this link: http://www.juicegrape.com/Seminar-Daniel-Pambianchi/


Until July 6 – $200

July 7 to August 10 – $225

August 11 to September 8 – $250

daniel pambianchi_musto wine grape techniques in homewinemaking


– A non-expiring membership to Daniel Pambianchi‘s on-line winemaking club.

– Free analysis of one wine in the first year of membership.

– 20% off the retail price on signed copies of Daniel Pambianchi’s book “Techniques in Home Winemaking.”

Please email Christina Musto at cmusto@juicegrape.com with any questions.

You can register here. Payment in full is required to reserve your seat. As a minimum number of participants is required to run this seminar, you will be notified by August 17, 2018, and issued a full refund if the minimum is not reached. Paid participants can cancel up to and including August 17, 2018 and issued a full refund. No refunds or exchanges will be offered after that time under any circumstances.

The Chileans have ARRIVED!

Hello Winemakers,

musto wine grape chilean carmenere grapes for winemaking for wineries and home winemakers musto wine grape chilean cabernet sauvignon grapes for winemaking for wineries and home winemakers

The time has finally come! ALL of the Chilean grapes and juices have arrived! Give us a call or shoot us an email to set up your pick-up.

877.812.1137 – sales@juicegrape.com

Happy Winemaking!!


The Musto Crush Crew




The Chileans are ARRIVING!!

This Friday May 4th, we will be receiving the following Chilean grapes….


Pinot Noir

Petite Verdot



Sauvignon Blanc

Pinot Grigio



2018 Chilean Harvest Update

This year’s growing season should produce some intense and complex wines!

We are very excited and fortunate to be sourcing our Chilean grapes and juices from the “Heart of the Chilean Wine Industry” known as the Curico Valley.  Curico has been a wine grape growing region since the 1800s. With its fertile soil, microclimates, and the ability to grow over 30 different wine grape varieties, it’s no wonder this prestigious region is considered the heart of the wine industry.

Soil Content: Sand, clay, decomposed granite, and volcanic-alluvial.

The second region we will be sourcing from is the Colchagua Valley. The Colchagua Valley is known for growing bold red wines, such as Carménère, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Syrah. It has a mediterranean climate and is located along the southern end of the Rapel Valley. This topography creates a climate that receives around 23.3 inches of rainfall per year and little to no rainfall during their summer months. This helps keep the grapes safe close to harvest and ensures that the grapes are fighting for water therefore creating a more intense fruit.

 Soil Content: Sand, decomposed granite, and clay

This year’s harvest has gotten off to a great start. The white grapes are coming off the vine and will be in transit soon. Our early red grapes such as Pinot Noir and Merlot will start harvesting around March 30th.

Arrival Dates: White grapes should arrive around the last week in April and the red grapes should start to arrive around the first week in May. Get your crushers ready!

Grapes Still Available: Carmenere, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Viognier

Sold Out: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Merlot, Petite Verdot, Pinot Noir, and Syrah

Juices Available: Carmenere, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet/Merlot Blend, Malbec, Merlot, Petite Verdot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Viognier

Fresco Juices Available: Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Merlot, Malbec, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Chardonnay/Semillon Blend

Yeast suggestions for the following grapes via Manuela Astaburuaga

Yeast suggestions for the following grapes via Manuela Astaburuaga. Manuela is the enologist at “Correa Albano” and has studied in both France and New Zealand. Her family also owns many of the vineyards we source from.


  • Sauvignon Blanc – For the SB the most important thing is the yeast that express the thiols aromas. Try VIN13 to bring out such thiol aromas like tropical fruits.
  • Carmenere & Merlot – Try a yeast that expresses the black fruits like CSM
  • Cabernet Sauvignon –You want the fruit and earthiness to shine. Try D254, BM4X4, or CSM. Maybe think about blending yeasts for more complexity!
  • Pinot noir – RC 212 is one of the best yeasts for Pinot Noir.

Manuela’s Favorite Blend:  Merlot-Carmenere

Why does Sauvignon Blanc wine taste so good from Chile? (According to Manuela)

  • “The different temperature between day and night is very important to the aroma expression, we have that kind of climate in our Valley (Curicó) so our SB is very aromatic and with a good acidity. We ferment at 58-50ºF to preserve the aromas.”