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Top 7 Winemaking Tips for the Spring Harvest

The Spring Harvest is underway! It’s time to get yourself set up for your Spring fermentations.

  1. Plan out your batch

    1. What kind of wine do you want to make?
    2. Review your ferementation notes from previous seasons
    3. Taste wines from Chile and South Africa for inspiration
  2. Review how to adjust your must

    1. Adjusting your Brix, TA, and pH
    2. Take an online class if need a referesher
  3. If making wine from juice, decide on Fresco vs. Non Fresco Juices

  4. Decide on the type of yeast you want to use

    1. For Chilean grapes we always suggest using the CSM yeast
    2. For Pinotage grapes we suggest using D254 yeast

    1. Give us a call at 877-812-1137 or email us at sales@juicegrape.com
  6. Think about the temperatures in your cellar

    1. Do you need extra heat?
    2. Do you need AC?
  7. Keep an eye on the Harvest Tracker for updates on the Spring Harvest

    1. Harvest Tracker

Interested in making your own wine? Musto Wine Grape Company is here to help! Musto’s New England’s largest supplier for home winemaking products and services. Visit juicegrape.com or give us a call at (877) 812 – 1137 to learn more.

Product Spotlight: CSM Yeast

Product Spotlight: CSM Yeast

CSM yeast was derived from Bordeaux and helps create a vibrant aromatic profile. CSM aids in adding complexity to the palate and pairs well with malolactic fermentation.

Why you want to use it:

It’s the perfect yeast for the Chilean fruit. It reduces vegetal aromas, adds complexity, stabilizes color, and helps increase the aromatic profiles of berries and spices.

Use Tips:

Fermentation starts quickly with this yeast. Be prepared to see Brix drop 24 hours after inoculation. It can stand up 14% ABV and can handle temperatures from 59–90°F. However, I highly suggest keeping your fermentation temps lower than 75°F. Once you hit 80°F you lose aromas and “burn off” flavors. Keeping your wine between 59–75°F during fermentation is a best practice.

You also want to use nutrients when using CSM; nutrients such as Fermaid-O and Fermaid-K. CSM tends to produce H2S (rotten egg smell) if there aren’t enough nutrients during fermentation.

Avoid cold shocking the yeast at inoculation. You’ll want to get the must and the yeast starter within a few degrees of each other before pitching the yeast starter. But without temperatures falling lower than 55°F. Temps below 55°F could stall fermentation and/or kill the yeast.

Goes best with:

CSM was cultivated to help ferment Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Grenache, Merlot, Sangiovese, Petit Verdot. However, we have seen it used on Carmenere, Malbec, and Syrah from Chile with great results.



Flavor Profile:

Cherry pit, raspberry, blackberry, spice, violet, bark, and sweet pepper

Ready to make wine? Musto Wine Grape Company is here to help you make the wine of your dreams! The Spring South African & Chilean winemaking season starts soon! Secure your winemaking grapes or juices and give us a call at (877) 812-1137 to speak with one of our Musto Crush Crew members. We can get you set up with everything you need and provide customer support along the way to ensure your success!